版本選書 - 套書
Michael Vey #1-7 (共7本平裝本)
Adventures on Trains Pack (4冊合售)
Adventures on Trains 1-6 (共6本)(平裝本)(英國版)
The World of David Walliams, the Terrific Ten! Mega-Massive Box Set (10 Books)
The World's Worst Children 1-3 (全三冊)(平裝本)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1-5 (Boxed Set)(共5本) 附海報
Trials of Apollo #1-5 (Boxed Set) (共5本平裝) 太陽神試煉
Trials of Apollo #1-5 (共5本平裝本) 太陽神試煉
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Paperback (Boxed Set) (共3本) 阿斯嘉末日
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard (共3本) 阿斯嘉末日
The Heroes of Olympus #1-5 (10th Anniversary Edition Boxed Set)(共5本) 混血營英雄
The Heroes of Olympus #1-5 (共5本) 混血營英雄
Mr. Lemoncello's Library #1-6 (共6本平裝本)
Wings of Fire Boxset, Books 1-5
Wings of Fire Boxset, Books 6-10
Wings of Fire #1-14 (美國版)(共14本平裝本)
Hilda #1-6 (TV Tie-in)(共6本平裝本)
Sammy Keyes #1-9 (共9本平裝本)
Sammy Keyes #10-18 (共9本平裝本)
The Land of Stories Complete Paperback Gift Set (共6本平裝本)